Here she is....The Coachmen wonder girl. This will be our second night stay.
Yesterday was full of going to the DMV, getting inspection and having the battery checked. All fun times when we suddenly have a home on wheels. Then for the the wild drive down the mountains back to Peekskill to pack our belongings. It was a frenzy of throwing big plastic garbage bags into the camper and trying to get to the campgrounds before dark.
It's all very much like moving into an apartment but a really really small one. And imagine our Emily the 50 lb lab and our 5 year son always managing to block our way of walking. I don't know how, but I managed to unpack most of the bags by bedtime.
There is still quite a bit to do. Today Joseph spent most of the day trying to repair a leak in the bathroom sink that soaked the floor between the shower and the toilet. All day we would have to jump from the kitchen to the back beds to keep our feet dry. Joseph fixed it. YAY. I knew he would, he amazes me in the things he can do. An artist, minister an rv mechanic.
And let me close tonight on this. We are in a campground that is very close to our old hometown. Funny no? And we took a walk tonight to the very end of the little point/jetty. There was a sign telling us a doctor planted 4 yew trees back in the 1890's that cost him 37 cents a piece. They were incredibly beautiful and the bases of them were 3 ft wide.
Oh and the last time I was camping, I was a girl scout. Some of the buildings here at the campground are um...very scary. I'll just say they are scooby dooish and we'll not mention an r rated movie. This is a whole wide world that we are very unfamiliar with.
Goodnight all.
Peace and love
This is so cool!
Check out the fambly truckster.
I can't wait to read all about the stuff you are going to see!
jc-I should show the inside and you could see how nothing is organized yet. We're going to paint the outside too.
there you roll! i'd be thinking the same scooby doo thoughts and rated R movie that i don't even like saying the name of...i'm SO excited for you and your family and can't wait to hear of your adventures! xo
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