Sunday, October 14, 2007

The Sharpest Pencil in Town

This is a picture of me with Danny Webb of Webb's RV Center. We had seen an ad for his place in a KOA flyer from Maine and, well, I needed a new sewage termination cap (if you must know click here). In his ad it says "C'mon down, neighbor! The coffee pot's always on!" I wasn't able to snag any Folger's while we were there, but my son received a toy Jeep and camper from the man depicted in the ad himself! We were able to pick up a few supplies and Mr. Webb was kind enough to pause for a photograph with yours truly. In the short time we were there we saw him riding a fork lift, directing parking and generally making sure things were running smoothly—taking care of business like the Elvis of RVs.

They also have this cool gigantic pencil entryway, which is where I got the title for this post, not sure what it means, but as a designer I can appreciate a sharp pencil (is the sales staff sharp as a sharpened pencil? Despite the number of contracts they write their pencils are still sharp?).

I highly recommend this business to anyone in Maine or the upper Northeast in general. Great staff and great selection. Tell 'em Reverend Joseph sent ya. And don't forget to get your cup of coffee!

Rev. Jos


Stepping Over the Junk said...

I once stopped in some guy's auto shop for help in a small town in Maine and it was the most helpful po-dunk thing was his back garage, but an official business and he knew what he was doing and helped right away. He gave me candy when the job was done. Hilarious. (I didn't eat it, I think it was a few years old)

paintergirlFLA said...

stepping-maine people are different, They are really laid back, but get he job done. I love that.
I bet you laughed when he gave you candy.

kristen said...

i've always wanted to visit maine - i know i'll fall in love.

JC said...

"The Elvis of RVs" - I love it!