Hey we have a WEDDING! I'm going to tease you all with that until it's all very confirmed and what not, but whoo-hoo! And it's someone in blog world that I adore. The wedding will be wonderful and exciting. There are some other changes coming but that too will be left at that until I find the right words.
Well first lets say, life on the road is not an easy way of living.
There is the lack of space.
The seating in our RV is less than desirable. My posture is suffering, Jos has a permanent crick in his neck from sleeping in the overhang...
Well, I won't continue but you get the idea.
It's super grand to see the country but we can't keep spending all of the money from selling our house for the trip (we didn't make much, a gambler in Vegas easily loses as much).
I know this sounds a bit jagged but I'm happy with our revised plans. It actually has all worked out and will enable us to continue the Project and keep our sanity.
I'm tired and there's a bit to do before bed.
peace and love
do divulge...i hate suspense.
I can't wait to hear about it! How VERY exciting! How do you go about finding people to marry, I am curious?
I may have another wedding for you, pending your schedule. As soon as Mom gives me your phone number I'll call! <3
Yay, you have a wedding!
I would have gone crazy being in that RV already. But I'm a wuss.
Hope things are going well!
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