Hi America,
I hope everyone is hung over from all those raging Veteran's Day celebrations (I know how out of control those can get). Speaking of our vets, I'd like to offer a big salute to those who helped make us a wonderful country. I only hope their sacrifice and effort has not gone to waste and that future generations are able to make their ancestors proud of the US of A once again.
We had to take the Coach in for a check up recently (BTW is an RV a he/she? we probably need a name for easy reference, any suggestions, folks?). Consequently we've been without transportation for a few days now, and maybe a few days more. I have to confess I kind of miss the gas guzzling beast. I guess I got used to having to floor it to get it to minimum speed. Cruising down side streets at a g-force inducing 15mph, but feeling like it was going 45. Having to drive in the middle of the road if there are cars parked on both sides of the street. Parking as far away from a store entrance as possible so I can take up the necessary four car spaces. Running out to pick up a few things, probably burning up $10 worth of gas. Good times. You can see how we got into the fix we are in now.
Hopefully it's all being done for a good cause, which I hope somehow outweighs the (carbon) damage done. Now why does that line of reasoning sound familiar? Maybe it's time to work on some real solutions that will have a clear and visible result.
I'll have to post about it at some point, but I read an article about this guy who is souping up all these Hummers and SUVs with hybrid engines and biodiesel turbines. He gets about 60mpg on a Hummer! It ain't cheap though. Here's an article about him. Neil Young is having this guy retrofit a 1960 Lincoln Continental. Maybe you can get a grant for him to fix up the ol' RV!
hehe, i didn't realize that your RV was your mode of transportation now. i can't wait for you to pull up into my neck of the woods in her (RV's are definitely female, wink.)
jc-you know that would be a great thing. jos and I were saying even if we had solar panels on the top, they would be extremely helpful. Thanks for the article. I should try to contact them. They could get free advertising on the rv. hmmm...
kiki-oh yeah. sold the honda and this is it. we had to borrow our landlord's van to go grocery shopping yesterday. You will hear us a mile away when we come to your town. people will run to their front windows. we're a bit of a scene. (And yes, I think she's a girl too)
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