one of the first campgrounds we went to (and, coincidentally, the last as well), when we first started this quixotic journey was a place called greenwood lodge and campsites.
i was in pretty bad shape mentally, from working up to and beyond the sale of our house, packing and moving up to the last minute (we literally went back to our former house after passing papers and had to take stuff off the porch), adjusting to the camper we'd just picked up, and driving for an interminable time. and although i seem laid back to most people, i'm naturally tense on the inside. by the time we got to the above mentioned campground i was pretty much on edge. it didn't help that we arrived on short notice at a very busy weekend. consequently we were part of the 'overflow' campers. that meant the only place available to us was by the lodge. or rather, right next to the lodge. about 2 feet from the upper deck of the place.
our electricity and water were plugged into the actual building itself. needless to say, i gave patti no end of grief. our son picked up on my complaining, and sharing my temperament anyway, piled on like we were badgers backed into a corner. yes, i feel bad about it now. the stay happened and actually ended up okay, blah, blah, blah....we traveled on to maine, and new hampshire.
on our way back through vermont we needed another place to stay and greenwood was close. this time however was different. we arrived after season, when most sites cut the power, drained the water supply and headed to some northerner's dream of heaven in north carolina. thanks to global warming, it was unseasonably warm and they decided to continue letting out sites. our timing must have been fortuitous, or patti really hit it off with the owner, as we were given...THE. BEST. CAMPSITE. EVER.
the location was semi-private, close to the woods and trails, not on a very traveled road and on a cliff overlooking a pond. high five! we ended staying a week, could see the milky way at night and saw shooting stars. and that is the lovely picture that illustrates this post.
I love that life offers kismet like that - I think it was because you had such a sucky site from your first visit, that you were given the golden ticket on your return.
I want to hear more about life in VT, I'm so intrigued!!
That sounds great!
I saw an RV parked in a Wal Mart parking lot today and I thought of you all.
kiki–that seems to be how things are going for us. the bitter balanced with the sweet. at least it's not boring this way.
jc–we always look for them now too, "there's another camper!". it's like playing the license plate game while traveling.
and due to popular demand (namely kiki), we will be doing some blogging about the goings on in small town vermont. we aim to give our audience what it wants!
have you seen Woodstock and Quechee yet?
stepping-not yet, but we will go. it's circled on the map.
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