Friday, November 9, 2007

Beatniks are out to make it rich...

Ah yes, my rejection from the Guggenheim. I think it sounds better with my touch up, don't you?

I always thought that grants were to help artists (ie-artists that need assistance, not established artists who already have support, benefactors and patrons). I'm not bitter but it would be nice to get a break.


JC said...

Sorry about the rejection letter. What do those schmucks know?

paintergirlFLA said...

jc-I know, what the heck right? I love how I have a personal letter.

Stepping Over the Junk said...

I have a few of these, mostly from places for my writing. I should try my hand at artist grants. I agree though, I find that those getting the grants are already established while so many amazing unfound artists, get left in the dust.