Emily had her surgery, it's been 2 weeks past now. All of us had trouble sleeping before and after the surgery. Pets, once in your life, there is a fine line between being just an animal and being a family member. I felt bad knowing she had no idea she was about to have major surgery on her knee and the pain she would endure following the operation.
When she was home the next day, it was scary to see her on pain killers. Her normally elegant and thin head was puffy and swollen from the medication. She would stand and stare. Her refusal to eat, left me worried. I opened a can of tuna. Nothing helped. Emily was just feeling rotten from all the meds.
The next day, we stopped all medicine and bought some canned food. Finally she ate.
Now she is doing well. After we took off the very appropriate and girly pink wrapping, I made a leg warmer for her. It's nice to know my sewing has finally payed off and I made something useful.
She had a check-up 3 days ago and Dr. Bob was very pleased. Emily puts some weight on her foot when she walks and there is no fluid in her knee. Good signs.
I'm glad to hear Emily is doing well post-op! Did the vet think her refusal to eat was because of the pain meds? I'd think that it would really be because of the actual procedure, because anesthetics often cause nausea for awhile.
hey miss lew-You know he said it was both. They had given her pain meds before we picked her up, and of course she had that morphine patch on her back for 4 days and all of the other stuff from surgery. No wonder she didn't want to eat. She's a pretty happy camper now.
Well she's in great body condition, so it's expected that she do well. Plus, it's gotten to be a pretty routine surgery. Is Sid the cat jealous of all of Emily's attention
Poor Emily! I'm glad to hear that she's recovering well, though. She's lucky to have such great "parents" who are taking good care of her. Get better Em!
anji-sid is very jealous. he is so mad, he ignores her. Miles gets jealous too.
jc-she is doing so well. She wants to bound up the stairs to our walk-up.
what a beautiful dog! hope she's better soon!
Thanks vesper. She is doing well.
Oh my god; I go into one of my too frequent "don't have a spare moment for blogging" phases in my life; and the wee gorgeous dog has surgery!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Boy am I glad to hear she's doing well! And I have to say: I love that pink cast!
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