One day a couple of years ago, my husband called me from the train (aww) and said, "Do you know what today is?"
'Tis old Bobby Burns Birthday. And it is that time of year when you raise a glass and toast the most famous and loved Scottish poets.
It is one of the biggest holidays in Scotland. Can you imagine? All that haggis.
O my luve is like a red, red rose is a great poem.
He also penned Auld Lang Syne
(Scots pronunciation)
Shid ald akwentans bee firgot,
an nivir brocht ti mynd?
Shid ald akwentans bee firgot,
an ald lang syn?
I loved Burns in college. I had a professor who made us do nearly everything that man wrote.. but I thorougly enjoyed it!!
Yes, a toast!
holli! I remember Burns in those onion papered anthologies.
I wonder if people drink and celebrate by Burns' statues.
jc-Yes a toast. “May you never forget what is worth remembering, nor ever remember what is best forgotten”
cool :)
vedrana-thanks! :)
It´s nice....
Hi 3ster, thanks!
LOL! Perhaps you can get Alan to do a voice recording that you can upload ? ;-P
Yay! All that haggis! Veggie haggis is cracking like -- probably 'cos it's got none of the "original" ingredients in it...well, not any of the yuck ones anyway. Sorry, I don't mean to offend anyone.
Hi Alan and sorry Alan if you see this comment :-D [for those not in the know: Alan is Scottish].
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