I'm trying to clean everything up a bit in the apartment before the new year. It's out-with-the-old-in-with-the-new mentality. I sort have adapted Chinese New Year philosophy into our own.
So in spirit of that, I also have to clean house in my mind and air all of my grievances from 2007. I usually don't complain, and I most always try to stay on the sunny side of life. But I have to do this, then I will move on. The list is composed a’la David Letterman style.
Top 10 worst things about 2007 for us
10 — Countrywide Home Mortgage
9 — Any one that is associated with buying and selling homes. Meaning lawyers, brokers, agents, loan officers, and city municipalities that force home owners to abide by ridiculous laws passed in the middle of the night. They are all shysters.
8 — Peekskill Water Department
7 — Not getting paid for our first wedding
6 — Having to remove an oil tank from our driveway
5 — Not being able to continue our wedding project the way I intended
4 — Having my calculator (that Joseph bought for me from MOMA) stolen by a spoiled teenager, whose parents make more in one year than Joseph and I will make in a lifetime. Thanks a lot, jerk ass.
3 — Dorothy
2 — The Guggenheim won't return my calls
1 — Emily tore a ligament in her back right knee. She now needs surgery that will cost more than we have.
Thanks Ted Nugent for the title lyrics!